We are an independent organisation for the advancement of Spiritual understanding and self-empowerment of the individual
The Metaphysical Society (MSEC) is a network of qualified, registered Metaphysical Practitioners and Teachers which was founded by Christine King (the Principal) in the early 1990s. It aims to provide a forum for the awakened individual seeking an interesting programme of personal development and spiritual growth. It also serves as a training facility for metaphysical counsellors, practitioners and teachers.
In 1996 the MSEC Practitioner Training Course was accepted by the ICM (Institute of Complementary Medicine) as a recognised training course. Our organisation was the first metaphysical training course to join the Institute. The ICM then expanded into the ICNM (Institute of Complementary and Natural Medicine) and then more lately ownership was transferred to the CHO (Confederation of Healing Organisations).
Our training courses are approved by the BRCP and qualified Metaphysical Practitioners are able to join the BRCP (British Register of Complementary Practitioners) which was established in 1989 and is one of the longest-running multi-disciplinary registers of complementary practitioners and therapists in the UK. We are proud to say that our relationship with the BRCP spans over 20 years.
Qualified practitioners are trained to work holistically with clients on a one-to-one basis using metaphysical counselling skills and psycho-spiritual techniques. This combination helps the individual to understand how the mind works at both the psychological and spiritual level, the purpose of which is to gradually guide the client to a place of self- empowerment. With the support of a metaphysical practitioner, clients can begin to utilise the principles to help restore balance and harmony to their lives by rediscovering the hidden talents, strengths and abilities within themselves.
Interview MSEC Principal & Sue Knight from BRCP
- We maintain there is One Mind, One Life Force, One Universal Energy or Power permeating all existence.
- We maintain this Power to be: Omnipotence (all power), Omniscience (all knowledge) and Omnipresence (being everywhere evenly present).
- We maintain that the name by which this Power is known is unimportant. Some descriptions are The Source, Presence, Self, The Unmanifest, The Universe, Power Within, Life Force, Creative Mind, Infinite Intelligence, Energy, God, etc.
- We maintain mankind to be an expression of this Power, which individualises Itself as the Spiritual Nature of each person.
- We maintain this Power to be a Power for Good, operating through the Spiritual Laws of Mind.
- We maintain that this Power is a Creative Intelligence. As we open our consciousness to it, we unfold our Spiritual Nature, bringing our lives more into balance.
- We maintain that, on a mental level, each individual creates his or her own reality by means of thought and belief. By aligning our consciousness with the One Presence we can change our experience.
- We maintain that the Spiritual Self within all beings is Perfect (meaning Whole, Complete and Limitless).
- We maintain that our journey is for the purpose of recognising and unfolding our own Spiritual Wholeness by the upliftment of consciousness and the realisation of our AT-ONE-MENT with Life.
NB. Please note you do not need to believe or fully understand the above principles in order to take part in these courses. They will become clearer as we progress through the studies. This list is provided here for completeness and so you can see the principles upon which this training programme is based.
- Practitioners are required to treat their clients with compassion and respect, creating a safe environment that encourages trust and open communication.
- Practitioners are required to make available training certificates and diplomas to any client who wishes to inspect them.
- Practitioners are required at all times to act in a professional manner with their clients and will not misuse their position of trust.
- Practitioners are required at all times to respect the confidentiality of their clients as a sacred trust. In any supervisory capacity the client’s name will not be used.
- Metaphysical Practitioners do not claim to be Psychologists or Psychotherapists, making it clear that they work with Spiritual Principles that help the client to help themselves.
- The Practitioner will not personally claim to cure or heal anyone. Any beneficial effect that takes place is entirely due to the Self-healing Power within the individual.
- Practitioners will not interfere with any medical treatment the client is undergoing and will work alongside any orthodox form of treatment the client is already receiving. Practitioners will never advise anyone to discontinue prescribed medication. Clients must always consult their medical doctor for advice in this matter.
- Practitioners will only take cases that they feel are within their capacity to treat and which they genuinely believe can benefit from metaphysical practice.
- Practitioners are required to make available insurance certificates to any client who wishes to inspect them.
- The MSEC Practitioner Diploma is not proof of an insured Practitioner. In order to practice as an MSEC Metaphysical Practitioner, up to date insurance cover & CPD is imperative. Proof of current insurance & CPD will need to be produced for acceptance on both the MSEC and BRCP Member registers.
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